
Schedule a free 30-minute consultation. We would like to meet you, gather some general information about you, and discuss how we can make a difficult situation as easy and pain-free as possible.

  • California Modern Divorce (CMD) is a paralegal service that specializes in uncontested divorces anywhere in California. This means that both parties are willing to work together to make decisions without the need to go to court or involve a judge. Our clients work with a small team of professionals, who can assist them in getting divorced civilly and easily. Our team will gather information needed to finalize the parties’ agreement. If the parties are not able to reach an agreement on their own, CMD will refer the parties to CMD’s mediator, who is also a licensed attorney, so that they can seek professional advice specific to their needs. Attending mediation is a popular alternative to litigation and is often the most amicable, affordable, and the quickest way to settle a divorce. The goal is to work together as a team so that our clients can reach an agreement on all matters in the most cost-effective manner.

    Once the parties reach an agreement on all issues, our divorce paralegal will prepare and file all the required paperwork with the court. CMD makes every effort to ensure that all paperwork is filed correctly and professionally. And we are committed to assist you and keep you informed of the process from the time you hire us until the very end of your case.

  • We are a boutique paralegal firm consisting of a couple paralegals, who have worked in law firms and/or for judges for at least 20+ years. Our divorce paralegals have a bachelor’s degree and a paralegal studies certification. We contract with California licensed attorneys, who have practiced family law for 10 or more years and who specialize in mediation and conflict resolution.

  • We know that making the decision to divorce is most often one of the most difficult and painful decisions a couple will make in their lives. Our team members have either gone through a divorce themselves or have someone close to them who has gone through a divorce. It can be a stressful and scary process. It is also extremely expensive to hire an attorney, which everyone is not able to afford. Our team members also have family and/or friends, who have spent thousands of dollars hiring paralegals or attorneys and did not receive the service or outcome they deserved. Therefore, CMD was created for people, who wish to go through the divorce process in a more collaborative manner at a significantly reduced price. We are able to provide you with top-notch expertise at lower rates because we can do 100% of your case virtually without having to incur the cost of a brick-and-mortar office. Our desire is to give you the highest quality of service at a reduced rate so that we can focus on making a difficult time in your life as pain-free and smooth as possible.

  • CMD is committed to excellence and guarantees its work. Therefore, if our clients come to an agreement on all issues and we are not able to get a judgment in the case, we will refund your money. (See FAQs for exceptions.)

    • Honest, caring, reliable, and professional.

    • Virtual and telephone appointments to provide ease and flexibility to your life.

    • Response to all inquiries and questions within 24 hours, if not sooner.

    • Support from the beginning to the end – we will take you through each step so you know exactly what to expect.

    • Commitment to securing all your private information through a secured portal. Additional security measures have been taken to ensure data privacy.

    • Flat fees; no hidden fees.

    • Notary services in certain cities (required for signing certain documents).

    • All work is reviewed and authorized by a California licensed attorney consistent with California Business and Professions Code 6450-6456.

    • You get an attorney reviewing and approving all work without having to pay the cost of retaining the attorney, which saves you up to 80% in legal fees.